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January 18: Session Overviews and Speaker Biographies

Kick-off Presentation: The Intersection of Politics, Social Media, and Conflict

Margaret Cooley, Director of the Leadership Development Institute (LDI)
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Have you ever said “I love her, but I just don’t understand her anymore” or “He is family, but we haven’t had a civil conversation since the
election”? How have politics — and the ability to know instantly how everyone voted or will vote — affected your family dynamics?

In this session, we explore the impact of politics and social media on relationships. Through interactive and lively conversations, we discuss how instant access into other people’s views on politics triggers our hot buttons and leads to destructive responses and damaged relationships. We explore the impact of conflict and how constructive responses can repair civility at the dinner table.

About Margaret Cooley

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Margaret Cooley is the Director of the Leadership Development Institute (LDI) and has been a senior faculty member since 1986. She oversees the open-enrollment programs including the Leadership Development Program (LDP)®, Maximizing Your Leadership Potential (MLP), Mastering Conflict Dynamics (MCD) and Lasting Leadership (LLP). With extensive experience in organizational consulting and seminar design, Margaret has special interests in conflict resolution, leadership and gender, emotional intelligence and the assessment of factors associated with executive success. She has coached hundreds of mid-level to C-suite executives from prestigious organizations and has conducted countless high-impact, interactive training events aimed at improving leadership effectiveness, enhancing self-awareness and building high-performance teams. Margaret received her degrees from Rhodes College and the University of Chicago.


Plenary Session: Being Resilient When Facing Adversity and Conflict

Pierre Naquet, President, The European Institute for Workplace Dynamics
11:00 – 12:00 p.m.

Being resilient is a key factor in dealing with stress and conflict situations. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as “adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress like conflict situations.” In this session, we explore the importance of resilience as it relates to an individual’s capacity to manage the stress of everyday work situations, remain healthy, rebound, learn from unexpected setbacks, and prepare for future challenges proactively. Although there are aspects of our personality that can enhance our resilience, most professionals agree that becoming more resilient is a dynamic process that can be taught and developed.

About Pierre Naquet

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Pierre works as an advisor with executives and their teams on the challenges of power, influence, paradox, ambiguity, motivation, conflict, resilience, entrepreneurship, emotional derailers and cross cultural effectiveness, contributing to the development of business strategies, performance and well being at the workplace. Since September 2011 Pierre serves as an Advisory Board Member with the Mediation Training Institute in St Petersburg (Florida). He is the Founder of the European Institute for Workplace Dynamics in Paris ( IWD-Europe). IWD owns the rights in Europe of the Conflict Dynamics Models and instruments (CDP and BCC) and the Resilience Model R@W model & Scale. IWD is active in helping organizations to combine Quality of Life at the Workplace with Leadership Performance.

Pierre graduated from Paris-Nanterre University with a Doctorate degree in Economic Sciences and Finance. He earned the title of Psychologist after completing a D.E.A. in cognitive psychology at Paris-Nanterre University. He owns many certifications in his field of expertise .

He is a member of the French Psychological Society, and of the Aspen Club Think Tank on Leadership and Good Society in the US and in Romania. He also is a faculty member with respectively Mercer (UK) and Conversant (US) in their Leadership practices and a Professor on Conflict Awareness with the CDP model at the Grenoble School of Management (F).


Plenary Session: Dealing with Elephants – Having Challenging Conversations

Mark Rosenberg, Managing Director, Balanced Curve
2:15 – 3:15 p.m.

Helping people negotiate the challenges of conflict is what we all do, but this doesn’t mean we don’t struggle sometimes with our own challenging conversations. In this session, Mark Rosenberg outlines an approach on how to prepare for hard conversations that is getting excellent results with his clients. You can work on a previous or current situation to explore how this method might work for you and have the opportunity to actually try it out with a partner.

About Mark Rosenberg

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Mark is a highly regarded accredited executive coach, facilitator and mediator with extensive experience as a senior manager and lawyer.

For the past nine years Mark has specialized on working with high potential leaders and senior executives. Prior to this, Mark spent much of his career working at Caltex Australia before moving to an Executive Director role at Sydney Olympic Park Authority.

He has worked as a Solicitor, Corporate Lawyer, Retail Operations Manager, Franchising Manager, Brand Marketing Manager, Marketing Director and CEO across a number of industries.

Mark’s experience provides him with an insight into the strategic, operational and “people” challenges managers face when working in high expectation organisations. His past work in both senior “influencer” and “leadership” roles is particularly useful to his work as a coach and facilitator.

He has a particular interest and expertise in creating higher performing leaders and teams through the development of enhanced interpersonal and conflict management skills.

Mark has extensive experience coaching and training in both the private and public sector and currently delivers his Mastering Hard Conversations program to numerous clients, including a number of NSW Government agencies.

Mark is a Subject Matter Expert on Managing Workplace Conflict and sits on the Advisory Board for the Mediation Training Institute at Eckerd College, USA. He regularly acts as a mediator for the Office of the Franchising Mediation Advisor.

Organisations Mark has recently worked for include: NSW Office of Environment & Heritage (Planning, Parks & Wildlife, EPA, and Heritage), LJ Hooker, Mirvac, Telstra, Alcon, AON, NSW Health, SnowyHydro, AMP, Infrastructure Australia, Wendy’s, Gunderson Briggs, BWS Lawyers and Athletics Australia.


Break-Out Session: Cognitive Empathy: Exploring How We Can Be More Intentional Around Empathy

Laura Scott, President and Founder of 180 Coaching
12:45 – 2:00 p.m.

Cognitive Empathy: Exploring How We Can Be More Intentional Around Empathy
Is empathy something we are born with or can it be cultivated? If we were to deconstruct empathy what critical elements would we find? How we can use this knowledge to build trust and enhance engagement?
Executive Coach Laura S Scott shares what neuroscientists know, and don’t know, about empathy and the degree to which it can be cultivated to more effectively connect and engage with others and build trust in relationships. During this session, Scott invites us to explore the following questions :

  • What is cognitive empathy? How does it differ from sympathy?

  • How can we express empathy consciously?

  • What does the neuroscience tell us about empathy?

  • How can we use cognitive empathy to build trust and safety in our engagements?

About Laura Scott

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Laura S. Scott, President/Founder of 180 Coaching, is a speaker, an executive coach, and an Energy Leadership™ Master Practitioner. She also provides custom training and talent management solutions using assessments and tools from TTI (Talent Insights, TriMetrixDNA), Conflict Dynamics®, Energy Leadership™, and Conversational Intelligence®. Through her coaching, CEO forum and Mastermind facilitation, Pause IIPower™ and Intentional Leadership workshops, Laura helps individuals and organizational teams be more conscious and strategic around how they grow, lead, engage, inspire, communicate, and navigate conflict, change, and challenges.


Break-Out Session: Growing Your Business

Gayle Waldron, Founder and President, The Management Edge
12:45 – 2:00 p.m.

About Gayle Waldron

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Gayle founded The Management Edge® in 1986. Gayle has always combined consulting with managing and growing the business. The company has grown from one consultant to a cadre of 12, many of whom have been with the company for over 10 years.

Gayle has talked about the company as a “not for profit only” business, meaning that the work is always about more than making a living–It is about making a living in an ethical way that genuinely improves the work situation for the clients, and, therefore, contributes to the client, the larger “community” and the company.

Recognized as an excellent trainer and teacher, she has held adjunct faculty positions at the University of Florida, the University of Southern Maine, and St. Petersburg College. She has developed the curriculum for a multitude of courses and provided “train the trainer” courses, as well. She is a recognized speaker at conferences in the states and abroad on issues related to the workplace issues, personality, conflict resolution, and women and leadership.

Gayle is widely regarded as an OD innovator and pioneer. She was a major force behind the highly successful Environmental Restoration Facilitated Partnering Initiative, that to date has saved hundreds of millions of dollars and countless years of effort for the Department of Defense, Department of Energy and the US Environmental Protection Agency.


Break-Out Session: Managing the Emotional Triangle

Frank Strathus and Stefan Schonholz, Managing Partners and Founders,  Institute for Leadership Dynamics GmbH
3:15 – 4:30 p.m.

About Frank Strathus

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  • Over 20 years of professional experience across different branches of the industry in international HR top management positions including Head of Talent Management, Head of HR, HR Business Partner, HR Manager at Bombardier, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deutsche Bank AG / Berliner Bank AG, Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG
  • Expert: HR strategy, organizational development, talent management, profiling and assessment center, executive- and team development, conflict management and crisis intervention, communication, change management, New Placement, Work-Life-Design
  • Experienced consultant, executive coach and trainer
  • Internationally certified Conflict Master Coach™(Conflict Dynamics Profile®), Entrepreneur Master Coach™(Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile®), Systemic Business Coach™, Change Coach, Golden Profiler of Personality®/MBTI, LIFO®, U-Theory®)
  • Instructor and member of the examination board for the training of coaches at the FU Berlin

About Stefan Schönholz

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  • Over 20 years of professional experience across various branches of the industry and in international HR top management positions including VP HR, Director Labor Relations, HR Business Partner, and Manager HR at Bombardier Transportation, Daimler, AEG
  • Expert in HR strategy, restructuring, management of labour relations and demographics, New Placement
  • Project advisor: Kienbaum
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft (Educational Institute of German Industry, (honorary)
  • Advisory Board Member: German Association for Personnel Management (DGFP)
  • Honorary Judge: District Labour Court (Landesarbeitsgericht)
  • Internationally certified Conflict Master Coach™(Conflict Dynamics Profile®), Entrepreneur Master Coach™ (Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile®), Systemic Business Coach™
  • 12 years of military service as an officer in the German Bundeswehr

Break-Out Session: Is Money and Power the Root of All Conflict?

Andre Luiz Machado, Owner and Founder, MoneyMind
3:15 – 4:30 p.m.

About Andre Luiz Machado

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Master and finance specialist, Andre has been a professor for more than 15 years in the area of ​​financial management, budgeting and controlling in undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and conducts trainings and lectures throughout the country. As a business administrator and executive in the administrative, financial and controlling areas for more than 20 years, he became a highly qualified financial advisor, working in national companies of various sizes and branches of activities.

  • Certified Money Coach (CMC) ®. Coach certified by the Money Coaching Institute (California, USA), to conduct Money Coaching and Business Archetypes Coaching in Latin America.
  • Certified by Eckerd College (St. Petersburg, Florida, USA) to certify and apply the Conflict Dynamics Profile® and the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile® in Brazil.