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In her new book, Conflict Management Coaching: The Cinergy™ Model, Cinnie Noble delivers a highly practical approach to conflict coaching, which is backed up by deep insights from the fields of coaching, alternative dispute resolution, and neuroscience. Her approach to conflict coaching emerged from her personal research with study groups and refinement of techniques in the late 1990s. More recently, her work has incorporated advances in emotional intelligence.

The book presents both conceptual approaches to conflict coaching and highly practical tips for managing the process. One of the major concepts is what Noble calls The (Not So) Merry Go Round of Conflict. This visual and descriptive analysis describes evolving stages of both the intra-personal and interpersonal elements of conflict. It helps people understand how conflict typically unfolds for individuals and helps coaches enable their clients to deconstruct conflicts so they can become better aware of the dynamics involved in the situation from both their perspective and that of the other person.

The second major concept is the CINERGY™ model which presents a seven step approach for coaches to use to focus on clients’ conflict management goals. The model clearly underscores Noble’s belief that “it is up to clients to make their own discoveries and choose the optimal way forward that meets their needs and desired outcomes.”

Noble’s book also provides specific guidance on practical aspects of conflict coaching including client intake, ethical guidelines, evaluation, and specific coaching applications. Readers will appreciate the chapter on conflict coaching skills which gives helpful tips for improving a coach’s abilities as well as clients’ experiences. The book also provides an in-depth look at emerging field of managing emotions in conflict settings. As this field develops further, one will look forward to seeing even more tips for helping coaches engage their clients in this challenging area.

This book serves as a wonderful resource book for those who are already involved in conflict coaching, as well as for those who are considering this path. It can help coaches improve both their personal ability to manage conflict and their ability to help others.