Certified Trainer in Workplace Conflict Resolution (CT)

Program information and options offered at MTI

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All-In-One Conflict Resolution Trainer Program

MTI’s Certified Trainer in Workplace Conflict Resolution (CT Program) is an all-in-one, train-the-trainer program that prepares coaches and trainers to teach practical mediation techniques for managing workplace conflict. Following the program, trainers are certified to deliver MTI’s conflict resolution seminars within their organization.

Over the course of this 3-day train-the-trainer program, participants learn the MTI method of Workplace Conflict Resolution and how to deliver the MTI seminar modules: Necessary Knowledge (NK), Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC) and Third-Party Resolution (TPR).

The CT Program also features the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an individual assessment that increases self-awareness and improves conflict management skills. By completing the program, participants become certified to present, administer and provide feedback on the CDP-Individual (CDP-I) Assessment.

Who should attend this Conflict Resolution Training?

The Certified Trainer in Workplace Conflict Resolution (CT Program) is for professionals who want to train others in conflict resolution and basic mediation.

The program is ideal for:

Human Resource professionals and leaders within organizations who are responsible for training and development.
External training consultants and mediators who want to conduct these seminars with clients.

The Benefits of Becoming a Certified Trainer


Conflict resolution strategies for both individuals and managers


Comprehensive assessment of an individual’s conflict behaviors


Tools to build effective conflict resolution systems within an organization


Turn-key materials and resources to successfully deliver the seminars

Certified to Deliver Conflict Resolution Seminars for Individuals, Managers and Teams

Following certification, participants can deliver three conflict resolution seminar modules. Designed for individuals and managers, each module offers world-renowned content and a practical conflict resolution process that is applicable to all industries:

  • Necessary Knowledge (NK) establishes the core competencies of conflict resolution and how to think strategically about conflict, rather than react blindly to it, and is a prerequisite for,
  • Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC) teaches individuals to mediate their own conflicts and how their behavior is impacting others (Self-As-Mediator), or
  • Third-Party Resolution (TPR) prepares managers to take a proactive mediation role to resolve conflict between two other individuals (Manager-as-Mediator).

Certification in the Conflict Dynamics Profile-Individual (CDP-I) Assessment

As part of the program, participants are also certified to administer and deliver the Conflict Dynamics Profile-Individual (CDP-I) version. The CDP-I is a powerful assessment that helps individuals and teams understand how they respond during conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict and how to manage conflict more effectively.

  • Individuals benefit from understanding their conflict behaviors through an individual feedback report, along with a Development Guide that provides information and tips for coping with conflict and building strong interpersonal relationships.
  • The CDP-I group report opens up the door for effective conversations about acceptable responses to conflict and how certain behaviors might inadvertently trigger irritation in their colleagues, as well as how to avoid pushing these hot buttons.

The CDP-I can be used with the MTI seminars, as part of a standalone workshop or in individual and team coaching.

CT Program participants have the additional benefit of understanding their own conflict behaviors by taking the CDP-I and receiving their own personal profile as part of this certification process.

Professional Certifications: Pre-Approved Credit Hours

The CT Program is pre-approved for credit hours from the following professional organizations:

Program Experience

Three-Phases To Learning

The Certified Trainer in Workplace Conflict Resolution (CT Program) gives you access to all the coursework, exercises, materials, videos and assessments you need to deliver these seminars on conflict resolution and mediation strategies.

Complete the CT Program Pre-Work

  • Review the Conflict Dynamics Profile-Individual (CDP-I) Assessment Technical Guide and Interpretive Considerations Guide
  • Take the CDP-I Assessment yourself
  • Complete the Cost of Conflict Calculator and Conflict Culture Survey for review during class

Attend an In-Person or Live Online Training

See Program agendas below

One-on-one Master Trainer Session

To complete your Certification, we provide you with an opportunity to utilize a CDP-I Assessment and deliver a mock feedback to the MTI Master Trainer during a one-on-one session.

The session is structured to also allow time to review questions you may have on delivering the Seminars and any additional areas you’d like to focus on with the Master Trainer.

Program Agendas

Live Online Certified Trainer Agenda

4 Half-Days

Day One

  • The Conflict Dynamics Profile® individual Assessment
  • Establish the Core Competencies/Necessary Knowledge

Day Two

  • Learn when and how to mediate conflicts between others
  • Managerial Mediation, the 5 steps of Third-Party Resolution

Day Three

  • Gain skills through practice – Host a Three-Way Meeting
  • Learn how to resolve conflict with others: Self-Mediation, the 4-step practical communication tool to be able to take effective action to resolve most conflicts between self and others.

Day Four

  • Learn 3 Primary Tasks to have the Conversation (The Opening, The Invitation, The Dialogue)
  • Preventive Mediation – Stopping Conflict Before It Starts
  • The Strategic Management of Organizational Conflict in Your Organization
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In-Person Certified Trainer Agenda

3 Full Days

Day One

  • The Conflict Dynamics Profile®  individual Assessment
  • Establish the Core Competencies/Necessary Knowledge

Day Two

  • Managerial Mediation, the 5 steps of Third-Party Resolution
  • Self-Mediation: the 4-step Practical Communication Tool to Resolve Conflicts between Self and Others

Day Three

  • Learn 3 Primary Tasks to have the Conversation (The Opening, The Invitation, The Dialogue)
  • Gain Skills Through Practice (Train-theTrainer Sessions)
  • Preventative Mediation – Stopping Conflict before it starts
  • The Strategic Management of Organizational Conflict in Your Organization
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Trainer Resources

Materials Available to Certified Trainers

The Certified Trainer in Workplace Conflict Resolution (CT Program) gives you access to all the coursework, exercises, materials, videos and assessments you need to deliver these seminars on conflict resolution and mediation strategies.

Comprehensive Seminar Materials and Resources

The CT Program provides access to the Workplace Conflict Resolution Material Kits that must be purchased for each participant to conduct the Necessary Knowledge (NK), Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC) and Third-Party Resolution (TPR) seminar modules.

Materials for Trainers to deliver the MTI seminars include:

  • Trainer Guide and Participant workbooks for NK, SCC and TPR modules
  • Necessary Knowledge Quick Reference Guide
  • MTI Mediation Map
  • Conflict Resolution Pocket Cards for SCC and TPR
  • Managing Differences Sourcebook (by Dan Dana, Founder of MTI)
  • Access to The Clash Videos outlining key principles of MTI’s conflict resolution methodology
  • Access to the Cost of Conflict Calculator and Conflict Culture Survey for use in conflict evaluation and the seminars.

On-Going Practical Support

MTI offers marketing resources, webinar forums and support for all certified practitioners.

Cost of Conflict Calculator

The Cost of Conflict Calculator is a dynamic tool that measures the cost of conflict across an organization. The calculations are based on research and up-to-date industry averages.

The calculator provides measurement of the cost of conflict on:

  • Organizational Productivity
  • Manager & Employee Turnover
  • Employee Theft and Sabotage
  • Employee Health
  • Absenteeism
  • Decision Quality

Survey of Organizational Conflict Management

MTI’s Survey of Organizational Conflict Management Strategies is an organizational assessment that helps you measure the effectiveness of your organization’s current conflict resolution strategies.

Conflict Dynamics (CDP) Practitioner Portal

Certified Practitioners have access to the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) Portal to purchase and administer the Conflict Dynamics Profile-Individual (CDP-I) assessments.

Program Fees and Registration

Certification and Material Costs:

In order to deliver the conflict resolution seminars, practitioners need to become certified and purchase seminar material kits for each participant.

Additional discounts for certification and materials are available for our Government, Education and Non-Profit partners. Please contact mti@eckerd.edu or 888-359-9906 for approval.

Certification Cost: $1495

Certification includes:

  • Access to the Leader Guides for the Necessary Knowledge (NK), Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC) and Third-Party Resolution (TPR) seminars and the ability to purchase the Participant Kits to deliver these seminars.
  • Conflict Dynamics Profile-Individual (CDP-I) Certification and access to the portal to purchase and deliver the CDP-I assessment.

Participant Material Cost

Each participant in these seminars needs a Participant Kit. Please contact us for pricing for certified trainers.

Necessary Knowledge (NK) Participation Kit

1 Kit Per Participant

Workbook + NK Resources
Introductory prerequisite seminar module that establishes the core conflict resolution competencies for either Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC) or Third-Party Resolution (TPR).

Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC) Participant Kit

1 Kit Per Participant

Workbook + SCC Resources

Teaches a unique communication tool participants can use in to stop their own conflict situations before they escalate.

– OR –

Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC) Participant Kit

Workbook + TPR Resources

Prepares managers to use a unique communication tool to proactively resolve conflict between others before it escalates.

Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP)

1 Licence Per Participant

CDP Assessment + Electronic Development Guide

The CDP-I can be used in conjunction with these seminars, as part of a standalone workshop or in individual and team coaching.

Preferred Certification Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Two or more years of experience in management, human resources, training, organizational development, or conflict management
  • Coursework in psychology, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, or a related field
  • Experience in using other assessment tools

Other Course Options

This course is also available as an in-house custom offering.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.