Resolving Workplace Conflict (RWC)

Program information and options offered at MTI

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Resolving Workplace Conflict (RWC) is an exclusive set of training solutions for HR professionals and consultants. The program provides participants with an off-the-shelf training package for conflict resolution. It teaches participants how to equip employees with conflict resolution skills and effective mediation techniques that improve organizational performance. Following the multi-phase training process, HR staff can administer and present the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), conduct coaching sessions and train internal managers or individual contributors on conflict resolution and mediation strategies.

Who should attend this Course?

HR Professionals and Consultants who want an off-the-shelf training package for conflict resolution.


  • Unique train-the-trainer experience providing participants with an off-the-shelf training package for conflict resolution
  • Certification in the Conflict Dynamics Profile
  • Practical Third-Party Resolution Skills
  • Conflict Simulations

Course Outline (3-Day Program)

Day One

Understanding the physiological and neurological impact of conflict
Discovering the cost of conflict to your organization
Identifying the path of conflict
Understanding the constructive and destructive responses to conflict
Discovering your impact on others through the Conflict Dynamics Profile® (CDP)
Understanding what triggers negative responses in you
Practicing giving feedback to others on the CDP

Day Two

Utilizing mediation in challenging situations (experiential simulation)
Exploring the Third-Party Resolution model to resolve conflicts
Practicing conflict resolution through video-recorded role-play sessions
Understanding the nature of team conflict
Exploring solutions to team conflict

Day Three

Discovering signs of impending conflict
Learning proactive conflict resolution strategies
Managing conflict with your direct reports
Managing conflict with your manager
Applying effective communication strategies
Learning how to train others (Train-the-Trainer Module)

Certification Cost:

This Certification costs $1495.00

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MTI’s Certified Workplace Mediator and Trainer (CMT) Program is pre-approved for ICFHRCI and SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Recertification Credits.*

Other Course Options

This course is also available as an in-house custom offering.