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David Tudor

David Tutor

David Tudor’s (PhD, MBA) primary professional interest is mediation in the workplace. As a member of the Chamber of Professional Mediators in France, he accepts mediation missions in the workplace and beyond. He holds the Certificate of Professional Aptitude in Mediation, the most prestigious mediation qualification in France. Dr. Tudor has been a trainer/teacher/professor since 1973 and has taught, in addition to mediation, interpersonal communication, negotiation, leadership and teambuilding, strategic management, organisational development, research methods, public health and epidemiology. He has also completed several consulting missions to higher education.

Currently, David is the CEO and manager of Germinal Knowledge in France. Some of Germinal’s clients are: Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Novartis, ESI, Total, Pierre-Fabre, AXA, Basel Insurance, Merck, Danone, University of Derby, University of Wales, University of Liverpool, just to name a few. David has also trained over 200 independent consultants, coaches and trainers. Germinal Knowledge is the French and German representative of Mediation Training Institute International, the French distributor for Personal Strengths Publishing (Strength Deployment Inventory). Germinal Knowledge is a registered institute of continuing education in France and also offers a proprietary certificate for conflict coaching.

David is qualified in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 16PF, DISG, Firo-B and in the International Profiler (a cross-cultural assessment of personal attitudes). His education includes: PhD Mathematics, MBA Management, MA German, MS Mathematics; Diplomas in Psychology, Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; lifetime member of the Fulbright Association.

David offers all his services in French and German as well as in English.