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Will Luera, Director of Improvisation at Florida Studio Theatre, 2019 Conference Speaker

Will Lurea

In addition to being an MTI Master Trainer, Will Lurea is the Director of Improvisation at Florida Studio Theatre, Director of Big Bang Improv and serves as the Artistic Director Emeritus of ImprovBoston. Will also provides corporate training for companies all over the world using the tools of improvisation as a way to teach leadership, conflict resolution, active listening, and team building. Some of his clients include Google, Harvard University, The United States Department of State among others. Will is also a co-creator of Healing Moments for Alzheimer’s, a non-profit organization that provides education advocacy and ministry for persons with dementia and their caregivers. Will tours globally as an improv and theater actor, director and instructor that performs and teaches regularly all across North America, South America, Europe and Asia.