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The first Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) that came out was the 360 degree version in 1999. It started as a paper and pencil assessment and soon added an online format. In the mid- 2000’s a self-assessment version of the instrument, the CDP-Individual or CDP-I, was released.

A number of people have asked us for advice about when to use the CDP-360 as opposed to the CDP-I. This is affected by the nature of each version of the instrument and the contexts in which they are being used. The CDP-360 provides feedback from a person’s boss, peers, and direct reports to supplement the individuals own perceptions. The CDP-I uses only the individuals own perceptions.

In cases where feedback from other people would be helpful, the CDP-360 is the correct instrument. This can be particularly valuable when dealing with managers and supervisors whose responses can affect many people. Helping them view how they are perceived by others can allow them to be aware of gaps between their intentions and their impact on others.

We believe it is more helpful if the CDP-360 can be used in both training and coaching contexts where the individual is acquiring new skills that they will put into action in the future. It can still be helpful once people have gotten into trouble with conflict and need to recover from it, but as the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

The CDP-360 typically is used with leaders, managers, high potentials, and senior teams. It is filled out by the individual in questions plus up to 30 other raters. Each person receives a 21-page report and a 114-page development guide. The CDP-360 is only available through CDP-Certified Practitioners.

If you have any questions, please email or call us at 888.359.9906.