Workplace Mediation Programs

Are Disputes Taking a Toll on your Organization? The Mediation Training Institute (MTI) can help.

“Unmanaged conflict is the largest reducible cost in organizations today, and the least recognized.”

Dan DanaFounder, Mediation Training Institute

These words are as true now as they were 30 years ago. Organizations struggle to reduce costs, yet ignore the amount of money workplace conflict is costing them.

The Mediation Training Institute (MTI) can help organizations reduce those costs through effective workplace mediator training opportunities. MTI delivers the most intensive, comprehensive, and effective workplace mediator training available anywhere.

Hence, we are the recognized global leader in developing mediators for workplaces. Learners will be prepared to perform successfully as mediators within their employing organizations or as external consultants.

Workplace Conflict Resolution and
Mediation Programs offered by MTI

Certified Workplace Trainer (CT)

3-Day Program

This train-the trainer program teaches participants how to deliver MTI’s workplace conflict resolution seminars within their organization.

Certified Workplace Mediator and Trainer (CMT)

5-Day Program

The CMT certification course trains participants as certified workplace mediators and to deliver MTI’s conflict resolution seminars within their organization.

Certified Workplace Trainer (CT Recertification)

3-Day Program

Those who were previously Certified or attended a presentation of the Workplace Conflict Resolution program (all three modules) conducted by an MTI Certified Trainer can renew their certification.
View MTI's Upcoming Programs